Thursday 12 April 2012

Hey Guys! This is my first ever I don't really know how it's going to go...
Anyway! I'll start off this first post by telling you what my Blog will be about. Well, as you can probably tell by my Blog's title, it is most likely going to be about the British/Irish Boyband, One Direction. Also, I am quite obsessed with unicorns at the I'm not five years old, it's just a weird, yet healthy obsession for a teenage girl. So some parts of my Blog will be loosely based around unicorns!
Hopefully I have caught your attention enough that you have continued reading up to here and you might even consider regularly reading my Blog. If you would like to contact me, here is my twitter account... @sarah9867
Also. feel free to leave a comment, I would really appreciate it!

Talk soon!

PS: I found this cute picture of a unicorn...

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