Saturday 14 April 2012

Helooooo! :D Vas Happenin'? Oooooh, did you guys see that shirtless picture of Niall multitasking?!? Yummy! Thanks Hazza! Anyway...I probably shouldn't say case any of you readers are Directionators...but don't you just hate it when your friends become Directionators? It really annoys the way Sarah, if you're reading this, I'm not meaning you. Over the past few days I have talked to/met/some of my friends have turned into Directionators, and they are suddenly obsessed with 1D! On Wednesday, I was chatting to this girl I met on this PenPal website, because she said she liked One Direction. As I began chatting to her, she started making spelling mistakes in their names, stuff like Zain (Zayn), Lium (Liam), Lewis (Louis), I know, huge mistakes right! :P Anyway, then I asked her if she knew what Directionators were, she said no. So then I asked her if she was a Directioner (cause she had told me she was their biggest fan), and she said she didn't even know what that was! I don't get it, how can you consider yourself 1D's biggest fan if you don't even know what a Directioner is? Oh well, at least I won't be talking to her again! As always, here is another unicorn...and Liam Payne...    tumblr_lyj59wCI8s1r30v4bo1_500
Talk soon!
Sarah xoxo

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