Friday 27 April 2012

Hello again! I know I haven't posted in like two weeks, but I was busy! I will probably forget about blogging unless I get more followers on this blog. Hey, you should check out my YouTube channel! My channel is sarahosaurus , it's a pretty random channel and I know you will love it! Okay, I have to go now and I don't really have enough time to say anything about One Direction Or unicorns...sorry...
Talk soon! And dont forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my Twitter account (@sarah9867)!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Helooooo! :D Vas Happenin'? Oooooh, did you guys see that shirtless picture of Niall multitasking?!? Yummy! Thanks Hazza! Anyway...I probably shouldn't say case any of you readers are Directionators...but don't you just hate it when your friends become Directionators? It really annoys the way Sarah, if you're reading this, I'm not meaning you. Over the past few days I have talked to/met/some of my friends have turned into Directionators, and they are suddenly obsessed with 1D! On Wednesday, I was chatting to this girl I met on this PenPal website, because she said she liked One Direction. As I began chatting to her, she started making spelling mistakes in their names, stuff like Zain (Zayn), Lium (Liam), Lewis (Louis), I know, huge mistakes right! :P Anyway, then I asked her if she knew what Directionators were, she said no. So then I asked her if she was a Directioner (cause she had told me she was their biggest fan), and she said she didn't even know what that was! I don't get it, how can you consider yourself 1D's biggest fan if you don't even know what a Directioner is? Oh well, at least I won't be talking to her again! As always, here is another unicorn...and Liam Payne...    tumblr_lyj59wCI8s1r30v4bo1_500
Talk soon!
Sarah xoxo

Friday 13 April 2012

Hi again! I have come to the realisation that Baby Lux (true Directioners will know who I'm talking about) is only seven months old, and she has already acomplished all of my life sad...but we all love little Lux! I mean, who can resist this little cutie!     ...that's Harry making a Twitter account for Little Miss Atkin! Please follow her @real_babylux , where you might find more adorable pics of her :)    Now, as you can see, not many people have checked out my blog yet, so i would really appreciate it if you told your friends via Facebok, Twitter or E-mail and leave a comment below with some feedback for me. I promise that if more people become interested, I will make this blog more interesting :)   Now, I can't finish this post without a bit of unicorn magic...wait! I recently found out what winged unicorns are called! Alicorns! Sorry, I had just been wondering for so long! Haha..well here's an alicorn to brighten up your day...  fayme__oc_alicorn__vector_by_quadren4-d4hbh3h.png

Thursday 12 April 2012

Hey Guys! This is my first ever I don't really know how it's going to go...
Anyway! I'll start off this first post by telling you what my Blog will be about. Well, as you can probably tell by my Blog's title, it is most likely going to be about the British/Irish Boyband, One Direction. Also, I am quite obsessed with unicorns at the I'm not five years old, it's just a weird, yet healthy obsession for a teenage girl. So some parts of my Blog will be loosely based around unicorns!
Hopefully I have caught your attention enough that you have continued reading up to here and you might even consider regularly reading my Blog. If you would like to contact me, here is my twitter account... @sarah9867
Also. feel free to leave a comment, I would really appreciate it!

Talk soon!

PS: I found this cute picture of a unicorn...